Hello, everybody! I am just back from Norway,
where I flew to interview one of the most successful and promising Scandinavian
authors: Heine Bakkeid, whose thriller novel I Will miss you tomorrow has recently gained attention here in
Italy too. In this novel a very interesting anti-hero called Thorkild Aske
makes his debut. I was sure this was going to be an interesting travel, but I
did not imagine how things would have turned out.
Interview with Heine Bakkeid... and Thorkild Aske
I can't read the sign, but the address should
be correct this time. I really hope this is the right pub, because this cold
drizzle that smells of sea is driving me crazy. Norwegians may find this a
beautiful evening, but me... If I do not go indoors immediately I will turn
into a frozen cod. Here in the North there is the famous midnight sun, isn't
it? But now it's February, it's five o'clock in the afternoon and there is no
sun: the sky is grey and dark like a Norwegian forest cat.
I enter the room and immediately everything turns
from grey to dark brown. Dim lights, wood everywhere. An old man wearing a
sailor's hat stands at the bar. He turns to the door with a suspicious gaze,
then starts chatting to the bartender again. Sitting at one of the tables
tucked into the wooden booths is Heine Bakkeid. I recognize him from the
picture. He smiles at me and raises, as a greeting, a beer mug. I go and sit
down with him, and immediately someone slides another enormous mug of Mack in
front of me.
HB: Welcome! I have been waiting for a while.
In front of me there is a handsome dark-haired
man, about forty. I'm sorry I confirmed the usual impression of Italians always
being late.
GG: I had a trouble with the taxi, I must have
mispelled something when I told the address and I was left in the wrong place,
so I first visited the wrong pub, and when I finally realized it, I had to walk
a long way.
HB: No problem, it's a nice evening for a
GG (shivering): Yes it is.
HB: So, should we start?

wish that I had a secret Research Facility beneath the sea where I could do all
my best work, but the fact is, I get up in the morning, put on some coffe, and
walk in to my office, sit down, drink coffe and work. Then at midday, I walk,
jog or go skiing for about an hour before I return to my office. The only
things that really get my attention is my work and familiy. I just don’t care
about much else. Sometimes I wish I was more interesting, maybe had a cool
hobby like collecting the feathers of dead birds or something, but I just cant
find the time or the right motivation.
GG: Before moving on to adult thriller, you worked
on a series, unfortunately still unpublished in Italy, of horror novels for
kids. Do you want to tell us about this, and about the other earlier works of
had a bit of an ego when I was younger, so I wanted to stand out with my debut
novel, therefore I wrote a YA novel where the premise was: What would happen if
I combined the world of George Orwell’s «1984» and Douglas Adams’ «The
hitchhikers guide to the galaxy»? And that was my debut as a writer. The novel
still makes me laugh because It is insane… wich again makes me… what? Anyway, later
I wrote a YA historical horror series called «The Chronicles of Dr. Schnabel
von Rom». This was sort of my tribute to the old Pulp Ficiton series from the
1920’s and 30’s like «The Weird Tales». In this series I wanted to write about
the enlightenment era, a time when
the anatomy, medical art and science was on the rise in favor of the church. For me, this is
the seed for the classic horror novel. So, as you might already have figured
out, I’m kinda addicted to horror, in any way, shape or form. Even as a crime
fiction writer. For me, the monsters in literature should be physical
manifestations of what lives deep inside us all, that’s why they scare us, but
that’s also why we need them, because they remind us that without them there is
no love, friendships or happiness. Monsters make us need each other, bring us together and make us stronger. (According to the altruist side of me)
GG: How did you develope the passion for writing,
and how did you get to be a writer as a job?
HB: so I
grew up in a place caught between the mountains and the fjord, with only five
houses. In the winter it was completely dark outside, just the sounds of nature
and the sea. I read alot of books, and as a result I had quite a vivid
imagination, witch ment I was daydreaming alot, but I didnt really think of it
as a career until I was studying programming, Java, C++ and that sort of thing.
I was soo bored I wanted to kill myself with a blunt instrument, so one day, I
couldnt sleep, I said f**k it, and got up, turned on my computer and started
writing down the scene that had kept
me from getting any sleep that night. The funny thing is that the character I
had conjured up from the depths of my subconsiousness that day was no other than
Thorkild Aske himself. He was the first character that came to me. But I was still
young and decided that I wasn’t going to relase him until I was old enough to
understand and write about a man like him. Meanwhile I would just write
whatever came to mind, so I continued to write every evening and night, and
when I had finished my studies, I had written a whole novel and at the same
time finally found out what I wanted to be and do in life, and It wasn’t
programming or system development, but writing stories. The novel got published
a little over a year later and that was that. Here I am.
GG: What are your favorite readings? What were
they when you were a child, and then a boy? Which authors, if any, you consider
your sources of inspiration? And which
ones would you like to inspire in the future?
HB: So I
read whatever was on the shelf, back then I didin’t even know what genre the
books I read was. I didn’t have anyone who discussed literature with me, I just
read. Later my favorites was science and history books, crime fiction, pulp
fiction, horror, stories about WWII and comic books. My favorite author has
always been the norwegian genius Andre Bjerke, who wrote both for children and
for adults. It is Bjerkes characters and atmosphere and the pure genre-boldness
of Jo Nesbøs writings that inspired the way I created my own crime fiction
universe, It may not always come across that way in my work, because I can’t
seem to hide my own weirdness even though I really try so hard to be as
mainstream as I possibly can. As to who
I would like to inspire in the future, well, If we could get one new Poe, R. E.
Howard, or H. P. Lovecraft who said that the works of H. T. Bakkeid inspired
them to start writing, I would be so happy I could die because the weird ones,
they seem to have faded away ...
GG: Let’s get back to Thorkild Aske. You have
already dedicated a second novel to him, still unpublished in Italy. What kind
of relationship do you have with him?
HB: As I
said, he was the first character that came to me. I have one image that sums up
our relationship and that is the two of us, sitting in a bar, back to back, not
talking to each other, just hanging out with other people. Then the bar closes,
we both get up and walk without ever speaking, out of the bar, up a longs set
of stairs to a scruffy appartement, we get into a office where I find my place
by the computer and he sinks down in a sofa. He then starts talking while I
write. Its like we made this pact (with the devil), where he gets relief from
telling his lifes story and letting his demons out and I get to be the writer I
always needed to become. It seem like a fair deal.
GG: Readers who have already met Thorkild in I Will miss you tomorrow, what should
they expect from the subsequent novel?
have this meta project with the Thorkild Aske series. When I was young and read
the classical detective stories about the sharp private investigator who solves
a mystery, they all begun the same way, the main character sitting at his desk,
they had these traits, they were run down, were outsiders, castaways,
ostracised from society, alcoholics, yet driven beyond belief in their quest to
self harm and solve the case in front of them at any price. I always wondered
why they were like this and so I wanted to find out what would make such a man.
In the five books about Thorkild Aske I want the readers to be a part of this
transformation, this metamorphosis from who he was before, when he was a
functioning member of society serving as
a interrogation officer in the police and through the pains of becoming the
outcast that he is now. So my friend Mr. Aske has a long way to go yet, some
ups, and quite a few downs before he (and the readers) get to the end. In the second
book, Thorkild Aske is hired by a famous crime fiction writer to help her with
research to her last novel witch is about a real life missing persons case.
Aske soon learns that the last person who helped her, also a former police
officer, was shot dead just outside her apartement while working on the same
story ... And … his psychiatrist, Ulf, has taken away all his good pills.
GG: Do you have fun when you put Thorkild in
dangerous and embarrassing situations?
take no pleasure in Thorkild Askes misfortunes and embarrasing situations. No
pleasure at all. I only laugh out of pity! Ah, ah, ah!
GG: Do you want to talk about your future
HB: No.
Not at all.
Then Heine smiles, points to the empty mug (mine
is still half full and I already feel a little tipsy) and says:
- Excuse me for a moment, I need to go to the
bathroom. You know, while I was waiting for you, I already had another beer,
this was my second one.
As soon as he gets up and walks towards the
corridor, a thin man, who evidently had been seating behind Heine, beyond
the booth, quickly slips into his place and puts his finger in front of his
- Sssst. I have very little time. I'm Thorkild
- Who?
- Thorkild Aske. The guy he writes about. I
use this as psychotherapy, sort of, and he makes us the money. He just told
you, didn’t he?
Now in the dim light I distinguish some scars on
one side of his face, just as described in the book. If Thorkild Aske really
exists and it's this man here, I'm sitting in front of an unpredictable man. If
he does not exist, and this one here is a mythomaniac, things do not change
much: I am still in front of a madman. The man draws a little bottle from his
pocket and gulps a handful of pills, without water. Maybe doctor Ulf would not
agree. Then he says:
TA: Well? Aren’t you gonna interview me too?
I quickly think, then I catch my breath and shoot:
GG: Is everything that is told in the books true?
Can you still see Frei? Do you still love her? Can you get back to reality or
will you continue to take refuge in a dream? Your sister...
TA: I will not tell you anything.
GG: Eh?
TA: Read the books, if you want, and try to
understand yourself what is true and what is fantasy. I'm not here for being
interviewed by you.
GG: Then, for...
TA: I am here to warn you. That man, Bakkeid... Do
not trust him.
GG: What... What do you mean?
TA: Your review of his book: he did not like it.
You were kind of rough with him. It made him very angry. I’ve never seen him
like that before.
GG: But... But I...
TA: You wrote that the main character is
unforgettable, yes, you did, but you also wrote that everything else is not
very good. The character is me, therefore, it's not his merit, right? And you
did not write a word about Heine's straightforward and direct style.
F**k, he's right! I completely forgot to talk
about the style, in that review. I try a reply:
GG: But... I also wrote that the setting...
TA: Oh, shut up. He hides it, but the review made
him sick of anger, I tell you. So don't trust him. Your beer: does it taste
strange, maybe?
GG: I... I don't know!
TA: Give me here...
He reaches for my mug, still half full, but then
immediately pulls it back, gets up and disappears behind the booth again. The
sound of a creaking door and the steps on the floor announce Heine's return.
Shortly after the writer is sitting at his place again.
HB: Here I am! Where were we?
I should ask him: ”Does Thorkild Aske really
exist?” but that man is sitting right behind him. So I hope that Heine will not
notice my embarrassment, and I go on, as if nothing had happened:
GG: Usually, how do you write? Do you have any
ritual or place or special objects related to your work as a writer?
Writing a story for the first time is like dreaming. At first your just there,
some place where all the edges are kinda blurry, the facese are skewed, you
don’t really know how you got here, and where this is going. I can mostly write
anywhere, I just zone out the rest of the world, so that it is just me and the
characters there. Im kinda useless to everybody else when I’m in there.
Sometimes I listen to music if I’m concentrating on one specific scene.
GG: Do you have an ideal reader? A particular person
who, while writing, you imagine that will be reading your words?
HB: The
first time I write a book its just for me and the characters. I never think of
what the readers might think about this or that beacause its not in my place to
write what others might like, I have to write my stories on their own premise,
even if I know this scene or this characters opinion or way of acting is not
going to be for everyone. So my ideal reader is someone who just let the story
take them somewhere, who wants to be there along for the ride. I sometimes push
on the walls of the subgenres that my stories touch upon and I want my readers
to push with me. I still care deeply about what my readers think about my work.
I really want them to like it, so that they too will come and join my litterary
GG: There is currently a real fashion that
concerns Scandinavian thrillers. In Italy even those written by
non-Scandinavian authors are packed with evocative titles and with covers of
winter flavor, depicting snow, woods and cliffs. Even the lettering mimics that
of the most famous Nordic thrillers. What do you think about this?
HB: When
everybody or everything is the same, I get bored. I only go for the exceptional
and the avantgarde, and leave it to others to fight over the crumbs of
mediocrity. − He smiles: − Thats why I enjoy
my own company and writings so much!
GG: I Will
miss you tomorrow is set in Norway, but, thought indirectly, also in
Denmark and Iceland. Do you know well these countries? Where will the next adventures
of Thorkild Aske take place? Where will your forthcoming novels be set?
HB: We
will visit Iceland, Sweden and Russia in the upcoming stories about Thorkild
Aske. And of course the cold, heartless wilderness that is The North of Norway
GG: Are you of the social kind, always with a
smartphone in hand, always liking and sharing something in the net, or are you
of the old kind, using the phone to talk and writing letters on paper?
Well, I think I’m somewhere in between. I certainly like my gadgets, but I had
to delete my Facebook page and Twitter accout because It just took to much time. Now I have Instagram, and a web page. I think that should
be sufficient.
GG: Now I just have to say goodbye, and wish you
good luck for your career as a writer, now of international success.
HB: Thank you so much! But... don't you finish
your beer? What's up? Don't you like it?
GG: It's ... It's very good, it's me: I am not a
big drinker. Bye!
We shake hands. I try to walk stright towards the
exit. I'm outdoors in the dark grey again. It is not true that I cannot stand
the beer, but this time my head is spinning, really. I don’t feel well. What
- Ehi, you!
It is the old sailor, the one I saw at the bar.
Apparently he has been waiting for me outside.
- I say to you: do you want to know more about
this story?
- What story?
- If you have a strong stomach, and want to know
how things really went down, I can help you. But we must shove off immediately.
In a shortwile, the tide... By the way, can you scuba dive?
While the old man is still speaking to me, the
shadow of a man is approaching. It's Thorkild Aske again, or rather, the man
who said to be named such.
No, no, no. Not him again. No. I will not be
involved in a Scandinavian thriller myself! Characters of a novel... I'd rather
read about them than meet them in person! I want to go home, if I can make it. I
turn my back to them and walk away, trying to go the more stright that I can.
Many thanks to Heine Bakkeid who very kindly played
this game with me, and also allowed cameos by some of the characters of his
novel. Many thanks also to Berit Ness Johnsen who gave me useful hints to make
the setting credible, such that I sometimes believe to have been for real somewhere
in Northern Norway. And I have been there, maybe.
Today the review of his last book "Meet me in Paradise" roll the dice: 6 out of 6 and say a new Jo Nesbø is born. "Take notice of the name Heine Bakkeid right away. His second crime novel is fascinating nordic noir of high quality."